Rouse Hill Regional Park | Part 2 of 3


Hi everyone, welcome back to my series of videos on family photography locations in Sydney. I’m Nick from Barley Monks Photography, and this is part 2 of the Rouse Hill Regional Park location that I mentioned in my first video… This is the spot, this is where the magic happens in the afternoons. When the sun goes down over this hill, and it just lights up… the beautiful wheat grass just glistens in the sunlight of an afternoon. If you time it right for magic hour, the photos you will get here are just second to none, they are beautiful photos.


If you ever book a family portrait photography session here on an afternoon, this is the spot to do it. You really do get magical shots here… with the beautiful rim lighting around the kids, and the family, I can’t tell you enough how good it is.


You’ve also got these great grass paths that go up through the hill, where you can get some nice long shots going up through there. There’s also a barn at the top of the hill that looks great in the background. It’s just beautiful.


Also there’s some picnic tables that you can eat at, and there’s also a great little pond/dam as well with some reeds in it, where you can get some nice photos in front of as well… so this is the spot to come if you want your family shots in the afternoon.


Alright, I’m going to go over to the kids park area now to record the last part of the Rouse hill Regional Park videos, so stick around.


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